Philippians 4:7-8
New International Version (NIV)
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Last night I bundled ( it was 32 degrees) my son and I up and headed to church. We had a guest speaker, and WOW ! His sermon was amazing and spoke right to me. His message was on how to maintain thankfulness throughout the year. He stated, that many of us slip away from the mindset of thankfulness and complaints begin to creep out of our mouths once again. He pointed out that this is not a mouth problem but instead a heart problem. For, what comes out of our mouths is what we feel within our heart. Our hearts may be filled with hurts, regrets,wrath, and revenge. Which leaves no room for thankfulness,hopefulness, gratefulness, etc in our heart. If we focus on the negatives we are only giving those thoughts power to turn into reaction in our life. However, if we mediate on the true, noble,pure, and righteous thoughts then those positive thoughts will fill our heart and in turn fill our mouths with Thanksgiving. As Philippians 4:7-8 we must safeguard our hearts with Jesus !
The pastor stated that we should mediate on positive things and not fixate on things that we can not control. Give God the reigns of the situation and have faith that he will come on the scene.
After these 30 days of Thanks I am going to continue to maintain my Thankfulness. For God is worthy of Thanks each day that I am alive. The Devil wants us to gripe and complain about our situations, but God is bigger than any situation that we face !
What are you Thankful for today ? If you start a "30 days of Thanks" post on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter, let me know about it ! Each day this month I plan to post something that I am thankful for big or small. I hope that you too think of things in your life that you can also be thankful for. I hope that you will have a blessed experience !
Sending you all love and blessings today !