Monday, March 5, 2012

Sowing Seeds

I know that my fellow Christian readers know of the concept of “Sowing Seeds”.

When we sow seeds to God we wait for a blessing in the form of a Harvest.

This is what we learn from the Bible about Sowing Seeds.

When we sow seeds the key to the Harvest is Faith.

God wants to bestow Good Gifts upon us but we must have the faith that we will receive them.

Do you have Faith that you will find a new job, pay off your debt, or have a happy and healthy relationship?

We must remember that God’s growing season is not on “Man” time but in heavenly time. These seasons may be an hour, day, or year. Be faithful and EXPECT your Harvest to be ready for you!

To reap a healthy happy marriage we must sow seeds and tend these seeds to reap our healthy marriage harvest.
What do you Sow:
The Word of God
God’s Love
Seeds depending on your calling: Each person has different seeds to Sow. These seeds are based on our purpose and /or calling in life.

How do you Sow:
·      Words
·      Actions
·      Time
·      Proper Attitudes
·      Blessings unto others

God yearns for you to be happy and create happiness in your marriage covenant. Marriage was created to be a life experience in which you have a helpmate to endure the challenges of this lifetime. In addition, God wants your marriage covenant to honor him and his word. Seek God’s word in the instruction for your life as well as your marriage. God has planned out these things for us; we must have the faith and the obedience to follow them.

I hope you are able to use these insights to create and/or maintain your "Loving Lasting Marriage". In addition, Pray together and Seek God together if you are seeking your Loving Lasting Marriage.


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