Sunday, February 26, 2012

Marriage & Adultery

A recent flipping of channels brought this issue up. OWN has a new show: Unfaithful Stories of Betrayal. This show highlights real life experiences with Adultery in Marriage.

Marriage as wonderful as it can be can have horrible sides if both parties do not work to sustain it. 

Adultery is the ultimate betrayal of a Spouse.

            Although I have never had to face the issues, emotions, and consequences of this act I have known other relationships that have.

Adultery can not only lead to a loss of your Spouse's trust and respect it can also lead to bigger complications such as Divorce.

What does the Bible say about Adultery? We all know that Adultery is against the commandments of God.  

How can we Avoid Adultery ?

God instructs man to cleave to his wife: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). This can also be applied to the wife as well.

Always cling faithfully to your spouse and do not let outside influences come between you.

Watching an episode of the show, it seemed that many of those who make a choice to be unfaithful do so because a break of communication with their spouse.

In past posts I explore the importance of communication with your Spouse. It is important for both you and your Spouse to have a open line of communication so that both of you can express your needs, wants, and desires. 

Most importantly we should put our trust in God and focus on him when temptations arises.1 Corinthians 10:13 

If you or your Spouse are unhappy in your Marriage the first person that you should discuss this with is with one another. If you feel that your issues can not be resolved you should seek help from a Marriage professional and/or Pastor.

Marriage is  a labor of  love, it takes work, time, and commit to allow it to grow.   I hope you are able to use these insights to create and/or maintain your "Loving Lasting Marriage". In addition, Pray together and Seek God together if you are seeking your Loving Lasting Marriage.


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